Pakistani Taliban: Army kills '59 militants' | Hidayatullah

Pakistani Taliban: Army kills '59 militants'

Pakistan's military says it has killed 59 militants in ground assaults and air strikes on Taliban units in areas near the border with Afghanistan.

Sang MIO - The operations come days after the Taliban killed 141 people at a school in Peshawar, mostly children.

The military has stepped up its offensive against the insurgents in the provinces of the Khyber agency and North Waziristan.

Assaults on militants in North Waziristan began in June.

This week's operations included a series of ground assaults and 20 air strikes by Pakistani jets in the Khyber tribal region, which killed 27 militants including an Uzbek commander.

An ambush on Thursday night by special forces in the Tirah Valley, an area near the Afghan border, killed another 32 militants.

'Break their backs'

Pakistani Defence Minister Khawaja Asif told the BBC that his country ought to have pursued military action against the Taliban earlier this year, instead of holding talks with the militants.

"A negotiated settlement with these people is not possible," he said.

"There has to be a military solution, we have to eliminate them first, we have to break their backs," he said. "Total elimination is what the people of Pakistan want."

The government initiated peace talks with the Pakistani Taliban earlier this year, but the negotiations made little headway.

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