Perbankan Syariah | Malam ini admin akan memberikan informasi artikel mengenai Contoh Karya Ilmiah/Makalah tentang Pengertian, Skema, Contoh, dan Dasar Hukum Akad Mudharabah (Mudhorobah). Semoga Artikel ini, dapat bermanfaat untuk teman-teman semua guna menyelesaikan tugas yang diberikan oleh guru ataupun dosen.

A. Pengertian
mudharabah berasal dari kata dharb ( ضرب ) yang berarti memukul atau
berjalan. Pengertian memukul atau berjalan ini maksudnya adalah proses
seseorang memukulkan kakinya dalam menjalankan usaha. Suatu kontrak
disebut mudharabah, karena pekerja (mudharib) biasanya membutuhkan suatu
perjalanan untuk menjalankan bisnis. Sedangkan perjalanan dalam bahasa
Arab disebut juga dharb fil Ardhi (فِي الْأَرْض ضرب ِ).
bahasa Iraq (penduduk Iraq) menamakannya mudharabah, sedangkan penduduk
Hijaz menyebutnya qiradh. Qiradh berasal dari kata al-qardhu, yang
berarti al-qath’u (potongan) karena pemilik memotong sebagian hartanya
untuk diperdagangkan dan memperoleh sebagian keuntungannya.
atau qiradh termasuk dalam kategori syirkah. Di dalam Al-Quran, kata
mudharabah tidak disebutkan secara jelas dengan istilah mudharabah.
Al-Quran hanya menyebutkannya secara musytaq dari kata dharaba yang
terdapat sebanyak 58 kali. Beberapa ulama memberikan pengertian
mudharabah atau qiradh sebagai berikut:
a) Menurut
para fuqaha, mudharabah ialah akad antara dua pihak (orang) saling
menanggung, salah satu pihak menyerahkan hartanya kepada pihak lain
untuk diperdagangkan dengan bagian yang telah ditentukan dari
keuntungan, seperti setengah atau sepertiga dengan syarat-syarat yang
telah ditentukan.
b) Menurut Hanafiyah, mudharabah adalah “Akad syirkah dalam laba, satu pihak pemilik harta dan pihak lain pemilik jasa”.
c) Malikiyah
berpendapat bahwa mudharabah adalah: ”Akad perwakilan, di mana pemilik
harta mengeluarkan hartanya kepada yang lain untuk diperdagangkan dengan
pembayaran yang ditentukan (mas dan perak)”.
d) Imam
Hanabilah berpendapat bahwa Mudharabah adalah: ”Ibarat pemilik harta
menyerahakan hartanya dengan ukuran tertentu kepada orang yang berdagang
dengan bagian dari keuntungan yang diketahui”.
e) Ulama
Syafi’iyah berpendapat bahwa Mudharabah adalah: ” Akad yang menentukan
seseorang menyerahakan hartanya kepada orang lain untuk ditijarahkan”.
f) Syaikh
Syihab al-Din al-Qalyubi dan Umairah berpendapat bahwa mudharabah
ialah: “Seseorang menyerahkan harta kepada yang lain untuk ditijarhakan
dan keuntungan bersama-sama.”
g) Al-Bakri
Ibn al-Arif Billah al-Sayyid Muhammad Syata berpendapat bahwa
Mudharabah ialah: “Seseorang memberikan masalahnya kepada yang lain dan
di dalmnya diterima penggantian.”
h) Sayyid
Sabiq berpendapat, Mudharabah ialah “akad antara dua belah pihak untuk
salah satu pihak mengeluarkan sejumlah uang untuk diperdagangkan dengan
syarat keuntungan dibagi dua sesuai dengan perjanjian”.
i) Menurut Imam Taqiyuddin, mudharabah ialah ”Akad keuangan untuk dikelola dikerjakan dengan perdagangan.”
beberapa pengertian di atas dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa mudharabah
adalah akad kerjasama usaha antara dua pihak di mana pihak pertama
adalah pemilik modal (shahibul maal), sedangkan pihak lainnya menjadi
pengelola modal (mudharib), dengan syarat bahwa hasil keuntungan yang
diperoleh akan dibagi untuk kedua belah pihak sesuai dengan kesepakatan
bersama (nisbah yang telah disepakati), namun bila terjadi kerugian akan
ditanggung shahibul maal.
Skema Mudharabah
Modal 100%
Bagi Hasil + Modal
B. Dasar Hukum
• Dalil Qur’an
Tuhanmu mengetahui bahwasanya kamu berdiri (sembahyang) kurang dari dua
pertiga malam, atau seperdua malam atau sepertiganya dan (demikian
pula) segolongan dari orang-orang yang bersama kamu. dan Allah
menetapkan ukuran malam dan siang. Allah mengetahui bahwa kamu
sekali-kali tidak dapat menentukan batas-batas waktu-waktu itu, Maka Dia
memberi keringanan kepadamu, karena itu bacalah apa yang mudah (bagimu)
dari Al Quran. Dia mengetahui bahwa akan ada di antara kamu orang-orang
yang sakit dan orang-orang yang berjalan di muka bumi mencari sebagian
karunia Allah; dan orang-orang yang lain lagi berperang di jalan Allah,
Maka bacalah apa yang mudah (bagimu) dari Al Quran dan dirikanlah
sembahyang, tunaikanlah zakat dan berikanlah pinjaman kepada Allah
pinjaman yang baik. dan kebaikan apa saja yang kamu perbuat untuk dirimu
niscaya kamu memperoleh (balasan)nya di sisi Allah sebagai Balasan yang
paling baik dan yang paling besar pahalanya. dan mohonlah ampunan
kepada Allah; Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang”.
(Al-Muzzammil [73]: 20)
yang menjadi wajhud-dilalah atau argument dari ayat di atas adalah
yadhribun yang sama dengan akar kata mudharabah yang berarti melakukan
suatu perjalanan usaha.
ada dosa bagimu untuk mencari karunia (rezki hasil perniagaan) dari
Tuhanmu. Maka apabila kamu telah bertolak dari 'Arafat (selesai wuquf),
berdzikirlah kepada Allah di Masy'aril Haram dan berdzikirlah (dengan
menyebut) Allah sebagaimana yang ditunjukkan-Nya kepadamu; dan
Sesungguhnya kamu sebelum itu benar-benar termasuk orang-orang yang
sesat”. [Al-Baqarah (2): 198]
• Dalil Hadist
سَيِّدُنَا الْعَبَّاسُ بْنُ عَبْدِ الْمُطَلِّبِ إِذَا دَفَعَ الْمَالَ
مُضَارَبَة اِشْتَرَطَ عَلَى صَاحِبِهِ أَنْ لاَ يَسْلُكَ بِهِ بَحْرًا،
وَلاَ يَنْزِلَ بِهِ وَادِيًا، وَلاَ يَشْتَرِيَ بِهِ دَابَّةً ذَاتَ
كَبِدٍ رَطْبَةٍ، فَإِنْ فَعَلَ ذَلِكَ ضَمِنَ، فَبَلَغَ شَرْطُهُ رَسُوْلَ
اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ فَأَجَازَهُ (رواه
الطبراني فى الأوسط عن ابن عباس).
Abbas bin Abdul Muththalib, apabila ia menyerahkan sejumlah harta dalam
investasi mudharabah, maka ia membuat syarat kepada mudharib, agar
harta itu tidak dibawa melewati lautan, tidak menuruni lembah dan tidak
dibelikan kepada binatang, Jika mudharib melanggar syarat2 tersebut,
maka ia bertanggung jawab menanggung risiko. Syarat-syarat yang diajukan
Abbas tersebut sampai kepada Rasulullah Saw, lalu Rasul
membenarkannya”.(HR ath_Thabrani). Hadist ini menjelaskan praktek
mudharabah muqayyadah.
ثلاثة فيهن البركة : المقارضة والبيع الى اجل وخلط البر باالشعير للبيت لا للبيع(ابن ماجه)
macam mendapat barakah: muqaradhah/ mudharabah, jual beli secara
tangguh, mencampur gandum dengan tepung untuk keperluan rumah bukan
untuk dijual”. (HR.Ibnu Majah).
عبد الله و عبيد الله ابني عمر أنهما لقيا أبو موسى ألأشعري باالبصرة
منصرفهما من غزوة نهاوند فتسلفا منه مالا وابتاعا منه متاعا و قدما به
المدينة فباعاه و ربحا فيه و أراد عمر أخذ رأس المال الربح كله فقالا
لو كان تلف كان ضمنه علينا فكيف لا يكون الربح لنا فقال رجل يا أمير
المؤمنين لو جعلته قراضا فقال قد جعلته قراضا وأخذ منهما نصف الربح
(أخرجه مالك )
Abdullah dan ‘Ubaidullah, keduanya anak Umar, bahwa keduanya bertemu
dengan Abu Musa Al-Asy’ary di Basrah, setelah pulang dari perang
Nahawand. Keduanya menerima harta dari Abu Musa untuk dibawa ke Madinah
(ibu kota). Di perjalanan keduanya membeli harta benda perhiasan, lalu
menjualnya di Madinah, sehingga keduanya mendapat keuntungan. Umar
memutuskan untuk mengambil modal dan keuntungan semuanya. Tetapi kedua
anaknya berkata,”Jika harta itu binasa, bukankah kami yang bertanggung
jawab menggantinya. Bagaimana mungkin tak ada keuntungan untuk kami?”.
Maka berkata seseorang kepada Umar,“Wahai Amirul Mukminin, alangkah
baiknya jika engkau jadikan harta itu sebagai qiradh”. Umar pun menerima
usulan itu. Umar berkata,”Aku menjadikannya qiradh”. Umar mengambil
separoh dari keuntungan (50 % untuk Baitul Mal dan 50% untuk kedua
menurut Ibn Hajar telah ada sejak zaman Rasulullah, beliau mengetahui
dan mengakuinya. Bahkan sebelum diangkat menjadi Rasul, Muhammad telah
melakukan Qiradh/ mudharabah. Muhammad mengadakan perjalanan ke Syam
untuk menjual barang-barang milik Khadijah r.a yang kemudian menjadi
istri beliau.
samping dalil Qur’an dan dalil Hadist di atas, para ulama juga
berlandaskan pada praktik mudharabah yang dilakukan sebagian sahabat,
sedangkan sahabat lain tidak membantahnya. Bahkan harta yang dilakukan
secara mudharabah itu di zaman mereka kebanyakan adalah harta anak
yatim. Oleh sebab itu berdasarkan dalil Qur’an, Hadist, dan praktik para
sahabat, para ulama fiqih menetapkan bahwa akad mudharabah apabila
telah memenuhi rukun dan syaratnya maka hukumnya adalah boleh.
Rukun dan syarat-syarat sah mudharabah adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Adanya
dua pelaku atau lebih, yaitu investor (pemilik modal) dan pengelola
(mudharib). Kedua belah pihak yang melakukan akad disyaratkan mampu
melakukan tasharruf atau cakap hukum, maka dibatalkan akad anak-anak
yang masih kecil, orang gila, dan orang-orang yang berada di bawah
2. Modal atau harta pokok (mal), syarat-syaratnya yakni:
A. Berbentuk uang
ulama berpendapat bahwa modal harus berupa uang dan tidak boleh barang.
Mudharabah dengan barang dapat menimbulkan kesamaran, karena barang
pada umumnya bersifat fluktuatif. Apabila barang itu bersifat tidak
fluktuatif seperti berbentuk emas atau perak batangan (tabar), para
ulama berbeda pendapat. Imam malik dalam hal ini tidak tegas melarang
atau membolehkan. Namun para ulama mazhab Hanafi membolehkannya dan
nilai barang yang dijadikan setoran modal harus disepakati pada saat
akad oleh mudharib dan shahibul mal.
seorang memiliki sebuah mobil yang akan diserahkan kepada mudharib
(pengelola modal). Ketika akad kerja sama tersebut disepakati, maka
mobal tersebut wajib ditentukan nilai mata uang saat itu, misalnya
Rp90.000.000, maka modal mudharabah tersebut adalah Rp90.000.000.
B. Jelas jumlah dan jenisnya
modal harus diketahui dengan jelas agar dapat dibedakan antara modal
yang diperdagangkan dengan laba atau keuntungan dari perdagangan
tersebut yang akan dibagikan kepada dua belah pihak sesuai dengan
perjanjian yang telah disepakati.
C. Tunai
tidak dapat dijadikan modal mudharabah. Tanpa adanya setoran modal,
berarti shahibul mal tidak memberikan kontribusi apapun padahal mudharib
telah bekerja. Para ulama syafi’i dan Maliki melarang hal itu karena
merusak sahnya akad. Selain itu hal ini bisa membuka pintu perbuatan
riba, yaitu memberi tangguh kepada si berhutang yang belum mampu
membayar hutangnya dengan kompensasi si berpiutang mendapatkan imbalan
tertentu. Dalam hal ini para ulama fiqih tidak berbeda pendapat.
D. Modal diserahkan sepenuhnya kepada pengelola secara langsung
tidak diserahkan kepada mudharib secara langsung dan tidak diserahkan
sepenuhnya (berangsur-angsur) dikhawatirkan akan terjadi kerusakan pada
modal, yaitu penundaan yang dapat mengganggu waktu mulai bekerja dan
akibat yang lebih jauh mengurangi kerjanya secara maksimal. Apabila
modal itu tetap dipegang sebagiannya oleh pemilik modal, dalam artian
tidak diserahkan sepenuhnya, maka menurut ulama Hanafiyah, Malikiyah,
dan Syafi’iyah, akad mudharabah tidak sah. Sedangkan ulama Hanabilah
menyatakan boleh saja sebagian modal itu berada di tangan pemilik modal,
asal tidak mengganggu kelancaran usahanya.
3. Keuntungan, syarat-syaratnya yakni:
Proporsi jelas. Keuntungan yang akan menjadi milik pengelola dan
pemilik modal harus jelas persentasenya, seperti 60% : 40%, 50% : 50%
dan sebagainya menurut kesepakatan bersama.
B. Keuntungan harus dibagi untuk kedua belah pihak, yaitu investor (pemilik modal) dan pengelola (mudharib).
Break Even Point (BEP) harus jelas, karena BEP menggunakan sistem
revenue sharing dengan profit sharing berbeda. Revenue sharing adalah
pembagian keuntungan yang dilakukan sebelum dipotong biaya operasional,
sehingga bagi hasil dihitung dari keuntungan kotor/ pendapatan.
Sedangkan profit sharing adalah pembagian keuntungan dilakukan setelah
dipotong biaya operasional, sehingga bagi hasil dihitung dari keuntungan
4. Ijab
Qobul. Melafazkan ijab dari pemilik modal, misalnya aku serahkan uang
ini kepadamu untuk dagang jika ada keuntungan akan dibagi dua dan kabul
dari pengelola.
Dilihat dari transaksi (akad) yang dilakukan oleh shahibul mal dan mudharib, mudharabah terbagi menjadi :
a) Mudharabah
Muqayyadah ( Restricted Investment Account ), yaitu bentuk kerja sama
antara dengan syarat-syarat dan batasan tertentu. Dimana shahibul mal
membatasi jenis usaha, waktu atau tempat usaha. Dalam istilah ekonomi
Islam modern, jenis mudharabah ini disebut Restricted Investment
Account. Batasan-batasan tersebut dimaksudkan untuk menyelamatkan
modalnya dari resiko kerugian. Syarat-syarat itu harus dipenuhi oleh si
mudharib. Apabila mudharib melanggar batasan-batasan ini, maka ia harus
bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yang timbul.
pada jenis mudharabah ini diperselisihkan para ulama mengenai
keabsahannya. Namun yang rajih, pembatasan tersebut berguna dan sama
sekali tidak menyelisihi dalil syar'i, karena hanya sekedar ijtihad dan
dilakukan berdasarkan kesepakatan dan keridhaan kedua belah pihak,
sehingga wajib ditunaikan. Cara pencatatan mudharabah muqayyadah ada dua
macam, yakni:
a. Off Balance Sheet, ketentuan-ketentuannya yaitu:
1. Bank Syari’ah bertindak sebagai arranger saja dan mendapat fee sbg arranger
2. Pencatatan transaksi di bank syari’ah secara off balance sheet
3. Bagi hasilnya hanya melibatkan nasabah investor dan debitur saja
4. Besar bagi hasil sesuai kesepakatan nasabah investor dan debitur
b. On Balance Sheet, ketentuan-ketentuannya yaitu:
1. Nasabah
Investor mensyarakatkan sasaran pembiayaan dananya, seperti untuk
pertanian tertentu, properti, atau pertambangan saja
2. Pencacatan di bank Syari’ah secara on balance sheet
3. Penentuan nisbah bagi hasil atas kesepakatan bank dan nasabah
b) Mudharabah
Muthlaqah ( Unrestricted Investment account ), yaitu bentuk kerja sama
antara shahibul mal dan mudharib tanpa syarat atau tanpa dibatasi oleh
spesifikasi jenis usaha, waktu, dan daerah bisnis. Dalam bahasa Inggris,
para ahli ekonomi Islam sering menyebut mudharabah muthlaqah sebagai
Unrestricted Investment Account (URIA). Maka apabila terjadi kerugian
dalam bisnis tersebut, mudharib tidak menanggung resiko atas kerugian.
Kerugian sepenuhnya ditanggulangi shahibul mal.
c) Mudharabah Musytarakah, adalah bentuk mudharabah dimana pengelola dana menyertakan modal atau dananya dalam kerjasama investasi.
E. Fatwa DSN
• Fatwa Dewan Syari’ah Nasional No. 07/DSN-MUI/ IV/ 2000 Tentang Pembiayaan Mudharabah (Qiradh)
Ketentuan Pembiayaan:
1) Pembiayaan Mudharabah adalah pembiayaan yang disalurkan oleh LKS kepada pihak lain untuk suatu usaha yang produktif.
2) Dalam
pembiayaan ini LKS sebagai shahibul maal (pemilik dana) membiayai 100 %
kebutuhan suatu proyek (usaha), sedangkan pengusaha (nasabah) bertindak
sebagai mudharib atau pengelola usaha.
3) Jangka
waktu usaha, tatacara pengembalian dana, dan pembagian keuntungan
ditentukan berdasarkan kesepakatan kedua belah pihak (LKS dengan
4) Mudharib
boleh melakukan berbagai macam usaha yang telah disepakati bersama dan
sesuai dengan syari’ah; dan LKS tidak ikut serta dalam managemen
perusahaan atau proyek tetapi mempunyai hak untuk melakukan pembinaan
dan pengawasan.
5) Jumlah dana pembiayaan harus dinyatakan dengan jelas dalam bentuk tunai dan bukan piutang.
6) LKS
sebagai penyedia dana menanggung semua kerugian akibat dari mudharabah
kecuali jika mudharib (nasabah) melakukan kesalahan yang disengaja,
lalai, atau menyalahi perjanjian.
7) Pada
prinsipnya, dalam pembiayaan mudharabah tidak ada jaminan, namun agar
mudharib tidak melakukan penyimpangan, LKS dapat meminta jaminan dari
mudharib atau pihak ketiga. Jaminan ini hanya dapat dicairkan apabila
mudharib terbukti melakukan pelanggaran terhadap hal-hal yang telah
disepakati bersama dalam akad.
8) Kriteria pengusaha, prosedur pembiayaan, dan mekanisme pembagian keuntungan diatur oleh LKS dengan memperhatikan fatwa DSN.
9) Biaya operasional dibebankan kepada mudharib.
10) Dalam
hal penyandang dana (LKS) tidak melakukan kewajiban atau melakukan
pelanggaran terhadap kesepakatan, mudharib berhak mendapat ganti rugi
atau biaya yang telah dikeluarkan.
Kedua : Rukun dan Syarat Pembiayaan:
1. Penyedia dana (sahibul maal) dan pengelola (mudharib) harus cakap hukum.
2. Pernyataan
ijab dan qabul harus dinyatakan oleh para pihak untuk menunjukkan
kehendak mereka dalam mengadakan kontrak (akad), dengan memperhatikan
hal-hal berikut:
a. Penawaran dan penerimaan harus secara eksplisit menunjukkan tujuan kontrak (akad).
b. Penerimaan dari penawaran dilakukan pada saat kontrak.
c. Akad dituangkan secara tertulis, melalui korespondensi, atau dengan menggunakan cara-cara komunikasi modern.
3. Modal
ialah sejumlah uang dan/atau aset yang diberikan oleh penyedia dana
kepada mudharib untuk tujuan usaha dengan syarat sebagai berikut:
a. Modal harus diketahui jumlah dan jenisnya.
Modal dapat berbentuk uang atau barang yang dinilai. Jika modal
diberikan dalam bentuk aset, maka aset tersebut harus dinilai pada waktu
c. Modal tidak
dapat berbentuk piutang dan harus dibayarkan kepada mudharib, baik
secara bertahap maupun tidak, sesuai dengan kesepakatan dalam akad.
4. Keuntungan mudharabah adalah jumlah yang didapat sebagai kelebihan dari modal. Syarat keuntungan berikut ini harus dipenuhi:
a. Harus diperuntukkan bagi kedua pihak dan tidak boleh disyaratkan hanya untuk satu pihak.
Bagian keuntungan proporsional bagi setiap pihak harus diketahui dan
dinyatakan pada waktu kontrak disepakati dan harus dalam bentuk
prosentasi (nisbah) dari keuntungan sesuai kesepakatan. Perubahan nisbah
harus berdasarkankesepakatan.
Penyedia dana menanggung semua kerugian akibat dari mudharabah, dan
pengelola tidak boleh menanggung kerugian apapun kecuali diakibatkan
dari kesalahan disengaja, kelalaian, atau pelanggaran kesepakatan.
5. Kegiatan
usaha oleh pengelola (mudharib), sebagai perimbangan (muqabil) modal
yang disediakan oleh penyedia dana, harus memperhatikan hal-hal berikut:
Kegiatan usaha adalah hak eksklusif mudharib, tanpa campur tangan
penyedia dana, tetapi ia mempunyai hak untuk melakukan pengawasan.
Penyedia dana tidak boleh mempersempit tindakan pengelola sedemikian
rupa yang dapat menghalangi tercapainya tujuan mudharabah, yaitu
c. Pengelola
tidak boleh menyalahi hukum Syari’ah Islam dalam tindakannya yang
berhubungan dengan mudharabah, dan harus mematuhi kebiasaan yang berlaku
dalam aktifitas itu.
Beberapa Ketentuan Hukum Pembiayaan:
1) Mudharabah boleh dibatasi pada periode tertentu.
2) Kontrak tidak boleh dikaitkan (mu’allaq) dengan sebuah kejadian di masa depan yang belum tentu terjadi.
3) Pada
dasarnya, dalam mudharabah tidak ada ganti rugi, karena pada dasarnya
akad ini bersifat amanah (yad al-amanah), kecuali akibat dari kesalahan
disengaja, kelalaian, atau pelanggaran kesepakatan.
4) Jika
salah satu pihak tidak menunaikan kewajibannya atau jika terjadi
perselisihan di antara kedua belah pihak, maka penyelesaiannya dilakukan
melalui Badan Arbitrasi Syari’ah setelah tidak tercapai kesepakatan
melalui musyawarah
• Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional No. 50/ DSN-MUI/ III/ 2006 Tentang Akad Mudharabah Musytarakah
Pertama : Ketentuan Umum
Musytarakah adalah bentuk akad Mudharabah di mana pengelola (mudharib)
menyertakan modal atau dananya dalam kerjasama investasi.
Kedua : Ketentuan Hukum
Mudharabah Musytarakah boleh dilakukan oleh Lembaga Keuangan Syari’ah (LKS), karena merupakan bagian dari hukum Mudharabah.
Ketiga : Ketentuan Akad
1. Akad yang digunakan adalah akad Mudharabah Musytarakah, yaitu perpaduan dari akad Mudharabah dan akad Musyarakah.
2. LKS sebagai mudharib menyertakan modal atau dananya dalam investasi bersama nasabah.
3. LKS
sebagai pihak yang menyertakan dananya (musytarik) memperoleh bagian
keuntungan berdasarkan porsi modal atau yang disertakan.
4. Bagian
keuntungan sesudah diambil oleh LKS sebagai musytarik dibagi antara LKS
sebagai mudharib dengan nasabah dana sesuai dengan nisbah yang
5. Apabila terjadi kerugian maka LKS sebagai musytarik menanggung kerugian sesuai dengan porsi modal atau dana yang disertakan.
Keempat : Ketentuan Penutup
1. Jika
salah satu pihak tidak menunaikan kewajibannya atau jika terjadi
perselisihan di antara para pihak, maka penyelesaiannya dilakukan
melalui Badan Arbitrase Syari’ah setelah tidak tercapai kesepakatan
melalui musyawarah.
2. Fatwa
ini berlaku sejak tanggal ditetapkan, dengan ketentuan jika di kemudian
hari ternyata terdapat kekeliruan, akan diubah dan disempurnakan
sebagaimana mestinya.
F. Perbedaan Bunga dan Bagi Hasil
No Bunga Bagi Hasil
1. Penentuan bunga dibuat sebelum
nya (pada waktu akad) tanpa
berpedoman pada untung rugi Penentuan besarnya rasio bagi hasil dibuat pada waktu akad dgn berpedoman pada untung rugi
2. Besarnya persentase (bunga)
ditentukan sebelumnya berdasar
kan jumlah uang yang dipinjamkan Besarnya bagi hasil berdasarkan keuntungan, sesuai dgn rasio yang disepakati
3. Jumlah pembayaran bunga tidak meningkat sekalipun jumlah keuntungan meningkat Jumlah pembagian laba meningkat sesuai dengan peningkatan pendapatan
4. Jika terjadi kerugian, ditanggung si
Peminjam saja, berdasarkan pemba
yaran bunga tetap yang dijanjikan Jika terjadi kerugian ditanggung kedua belah pihak
5. Besarnya bunga yang harus dibayar si peminjam pasti diterima bank Keberhasilan usaha menjadi perhatian bersama
6. Umumnya Agama (terutama Islam) Mengecamnya Tidak ada yang Meragukan Sistem Bagi Hasil
7. Berlawanan dgn Surah Luqman : 34 Melaksanakan Surah Luqman : 34
G. Aplikasi Mudharabah di Bank Syariah
biasanya diterapkan pada produk-produk pembiayaan dan pendanaan. Pada
sisi penghimpunan dana, al-mudharabah diterapkan pada :
a) Tabungan
mudharabah adalah simpanan pihak ketiga di Bank Syariah yang
penarikannnya dapat dilakukan setiap saat atau beberapa hari sesuai
perjanjian. Dalam hal ini Bank bertindak sebagai Mudharib ( pengelola
modal) dan deposan sebagai Shahibul Maal (pemilik modal). Bank sebagai
mudharib akan membagi keuntungan kepada shahibul Maal sesuai dengan
nisbah (persentase) yang telah disepakati bersama.
b) Deposito
Mudharabah ( Deposito Investasi Mudharabah) merupakan investasi melalui
simpanan pihak ketiga (perorangan atau badan hukum), yang penarikannnya
hanya dapat dilakukan dalam jangka waktu tertentu (jatuh tempo) dengan
mendapatkan imbalan bagi hasil.
Adapun dari sisi pembiayaan, mudharabah diterapkan untuk :
a) Pembiayaan
modal kerja. Bank menyediakan pembiayaan modal investasi atau modal
kerja sepenuhnya (pemilik modal/ sahhibul maal), sedangkan nasabah
menyediakan usaha dan manajemennya (mudharib) Hasil keuntungan akan
dibagi sesuai dengan kesepakatan bersama dalam bentuk nisbah
(persentase) tertentu dari keuntungan misalnya 65% : 35%.
b) Investasi
khusus, disebut juga mudharabah muqayyadah, di mana sumber dana khusus
dengan penyaluran dana yang khusus dengan syarat-syarat yang telah
ditetapkan oleh shahibul maal.
Mekanisme dan Sistem Operasi Mudharabah di Bank Syariah
Pendanaan Mudharabah Pembiayaan Mudharabah
Bank Syariah
Bagi Hasil Bagi Hasil
Dalam praktik perbankan syariah, kini dikenal dua bentuk mudharabah muqayyadah, yaitu:
a) On
balance sheet, yaitu aliran dana terjadi dari satu nasabah investor ke
sekelompok pelaksana usaha dalam beberapa sektor terbatas, misalnya
pertanian, manufaktur dan jasa. Nasabah investor lainnya mungkin
mensyaratkan dananya hanya boleh dipakai untuk pembiayaan di sektor
pertambangan, properti dan pertanian. Selain berdasarkan sektor, nasabah
investor dapat saja mensyaratkan berdasarkan jenis akad yang digunakan,
misalkan hanya berdasarkan akad penjualan kredit saja. Skema ini
disebut On balance Sheet karena dicatat dalam neraca Bank.
b) Off
balance sheet, yaitu aliran dana berasal dari satu nasabah investor
kepada satu nasabah pembiayaan (yang dalam bank konvensional disebut
debitur). Di sini bank syariah hanya bertindak sebagai arranger saja.
Pencatatan transaksinya di bank syariah dilakukan secara off balance
sheet. Bagi hasilnya hanya melibatkan nasabah investor dan pelaksana
usaha sesuai dengan kesepakatan mereka, sedangkan bank hanya memperoleh
arranger fee.
H. Jaminan (Collateral)
I. Jaminan mudharabah dalam litelatur fiqih
antara investor dengan mudharib adalah hubungan yang bersifat "gadai"
dan mudharib adalah orang yang dipercaya, maka tidak ada jaminan oleh
mudharib kepada investor. Investor tidak dapat menuntut jaminan apapun
dari mudharib untuk mengembalikan modal dengan keuntungan. Jika investor
mempersyaratkan pemberian jaminan dari mudharib dan menyatakan hal ini
dalam syarat kontrak, maka kontrak mudharabah mereka tidak sah, demikian
menurut Malik dan Syafi’i.
2. Jaminan mudharabah dalam perbankan syariah
fatwa DSN – MUI mengenai pembiayaan mudharabah (qiradh) bahwa pada
prinsipnya dalam mudharabah tidak ada jaminan. Namun agar mudharib tidak
melakukan penyimpangan, Lembaga Keuangan Syari’ah dapat meminta jaminan
dari mudharib atau pihak ketiga. Jaminan ini hanya dapat dicairkan
apabila mudharib terbukti melakukan pelanggaran terhadap hal-hal yang
telah disepekati bersama dalam akad. Jadi jaminan hanya untuk menunjukan
keseriusan dan mencegah mudharib melakukan penyelewengan. Seperti
pernyataan yang dikutip dari AAOIFI, Accounting and Auditing
Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions, Bahrain, 1998 bahwa
“Collateral is important to protect Islamic bank from any misconduct”.
J. Aplikasi Mudharabah di Lembaga Keuangan Syariah
• Asuransi Syariah
1. Takaful keluarga
takaful yang diterima dimasukkan ke dalam ”Rekening Tabungan” yaitu
rekening tabungan peserta dan ”Rekening Khusus (Tabarru’) yaitu rekening
yang khusus disediakan untuk kebaikan berupa pembayaran klaim (manfaat
takaful) kepada ahli waris jika di antara peserta ada yang meninggal
dunia atau mengalami musibah lainnya. Premi takaful tersebut disatukan
dalam kumpulan dana peserta, kemudian dikembangkan melalui investasi
proyek yang dibenarkan Islam, dengan menerapkan prinsip al-mudharabah
sesuai dengan kesepakatan misalnya 70 % keuntungan untuk peserta dan 30 %
untuk perusahaan. Dari keuntungan peserta yang 70 % itu dimasukkan
dalam rekening tabungan dan rekening khusus secara proporsional.
Sedangkan keuntungan perusahaan sebesar 30 % dipergunakan untuk
pembiayaan operasional perusahaan.
– Realisasi pembayaran rekening dilakukan jika :
• masa pertanggungan berakhir
• peserta mengundurkan diri dalam masa pertanggungan.
• Peserta meninggal dunia dalam masa pertanggungan.
- Sedangkan pembayaran rekening dilakukan jika :
• peserta meninggal dunia dalam masa peratanggungan
• masa pertanggungan berakhir (jika ada).
2. Takaful umum
Takaful yang diterima dimasukkan kedalam rekening khusus (tabarru’)
yaitu rekening yang khusus disediakan untuk kebaikan berupa pembayaran
klaim kepada peserta jika sewaktu-waktu tertimpa musibah baik terhadap
harta maupun diri peserta. Premi Takaful tersebut dimasukkan ke dalam
”Kumpulan Dana Peserta”, kemudian dikembangkan melalui investasi proyek
yang dibenarkan Islam. Keuntungan investasi yang diperoleh dimasukkan ke
dalam ”Kumpulan Dana Peserta”. Setelah dikurangi beban asuransi (klaim,
premi asuransi) dan masih terdapat kelebihan , maka kelebihan itu akan
dibagi menurut prinsip al-mudharabah. Keuntungan peserta akan
dikembalikan kepada peserta yang tidak mengalami musibah. Sedangkan
keuntungan perusahaan akan digunakan untuk pembiayaan operasional
• Pegadaian Syariah
mudharabah diterapkan untuk nasabah yang menginginkan untuk
menggadaikan jaminannya guna menambah modal usaha (pembiayaan investasi
atau modal kerja). Dengan demikian rahin akan memberikan bagi hasil
berdasarkan keuntungan usaha yang diperoleh kepada murtahin sesuai
dengan kesepakatan sampai dengan modal yang dipinjam terlunasi.
BMT aplikasi mudharabah tidak jauh berbeda dengan aplikasi mudharabah
pada perbankan syariah. Hal ini berkaitan dengan penyaluran dana BMT
kepada nasabah yang terdiri dari dua jenis, yaitu: pertama, pembiayaan
dengan sistem bagi hasil ; kedua, jual beli dengan pembayaran
ditangguhkan. Pembiayaan ini merupakan penyaluran dana BMT kepada pihak
ketiga, berdasarkan kesepakatan pembiayaan antara BMT dengan pihak lain
dengan jangka waktu tertentu dan nisbah bagi hasil yang disepakati, hal
ini tercermin dari aplikasinya mudharabah sebagai salah satu bentuk
penyaluran dana BMT tersebut.
K. Pembatalan Mudharabah
Akad mudharabah menjadi batal apabila ada perkara-perkara sebagai berikut:
1. Tidak
terpenuhinya salah satu atau beberapa syarat Mudharabah . Jika salah
satu syarat mudharabah tidak terpenuhi , sedangkan modal sudah dipegang
oleh pengelola dan sudah diperdagangkan, maka pengelola mendapatkan
sebagian keuntungannya sebagai upah, karena tindakannya atas izin
pemilik modal dan ia melakukan tugas berhak menerima upah. Jika terdapat
keuntungan, maka keuntungan tersebut untuk pemilik modal. Jika ada
kerugian, kerugian tersebut menjadi tanggung jawab pemilik modal karena
pengelola adalah sebagai buruh yang hanya berhak menerima upah dan tidak
bertanggung jawab sesuatu apa pun, kecuali atas kelalaiannya.
2. Pengelola
dengan sengaja meninggalkan tugasnya sebagai pengelola modal atau
pengelola modal berbuat sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan tujuan akad.
Dalam keadaan seperti ini pengelola modal bertanggng jawab jika terjadi
kerugian karena dialah penyebab kerugian.
3. Apabila pelaksana atau pemilik modal meninggal dunia atau salah seorang pemilik modal meninggal dunia, mudharabah menjadi batal.
Secara Harfiah
Al-muzara’ah (المزرعة) yang berarti tharh al-zur’ah (melemparkan tanaman), maksudnya adalah modal (al-hadzar)
Secara Istilah
1. Menurut
Hanafiyah, muzara’ah (مزرعة) ialah akad untuk bercocok tanam dengan
sebagian yang keluar dari bumi. Sedangkan mukhabarah (مخبررة) menurut
Syafi’iyah ialah : Akad untuk bercocok tanam dengan sebagian apa-apa
yang keluar dari bumi.
2. Menurut
dhahir nash, al-Syafi’i berpendapat bahwa mukhabarah (مخبررة) ialah
menggarap tanah dengan apa yang dikeluarkan dari tanah tersebut.
Sedangkan muzara’ah (مزرعة) ialah seorang pekerja menyewa tanah dengan
apa yang dihasilkan dari tanah tersebut.
3. Syaikh
Ibrahim al-Bajuri berpendapat bahwa mukhabarah (مخبررة) ialah
sesungguhnya pemilik hanya menyerahkan tanah kepada pekerja dan modal
dari pengelola. Dan muzara’ah (مزرعة) ialah pekerja mengelola tanah
dengan sebagian apa yang dihasilkan darinya dan modal dari pemilik
Landasan Syariah
Hadist yang diriwayatkan oleh Bukhari dan Muslim dari Ibnu Abbas r.a :
Nabi SAW menyatakan, tidak mengharamkan bermuzara’ah, bahkan beliau
menyuruhnya, supaya yang sebagian menyayangi sebagian yang lain, dengan
katanya, barang siapa yang memiliki tanah, maka hendaklah ditanaminya
atau diberikan faedahnya kepada saudaranya, jika ia tidak mau, maka
boleh ditahan saja tanah itu”.
Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Dawud dan al-Nasa’i dari Rafi’ r.a dari Nabi SAW, beliau bersabda :
boleh bercocok tanam hanya tiga macam orang : laki-laki yang ada tanah,
maka dialah yang berhak menanamnya dan laki-laki yang diserahi manfaat
tanah, maka dialah yang menanaminya dan laki-laki yang menyewa tanah
dengan mas atau perak”.
al-Syafi’iyah , haram hukumnya melakukan muzara’ah (مزرعة). Ia
beralasan dengan hadist yang diriwayatkan oleh muslim dari Tsabut Ibn
al-Dhahak :
Rasulullah SAW telah melarang bermuzara’ah dan memerintahkan sewa –
menyewa saja dan Rasulullah SAW bersabda, itu tidak mengapa”.
pengarang kitab al-Minhaj , bahwa mukhabarah (مخبررة) , yaitu
mengerjakan tanah (menggarap ladang atau sawah) dengan mengambil
sebagian dari hasilnya, sedangkan benihnya dari pekerja dan tidak boleh
pula bermuzara’ah yaitu pengelolaan tanah yang benihnya dari pengolahan
tanah. Pendapat ini beralasan kepada beberapa hadist shahih, antara lain
hadist Tsabit Ibn Dhahak, karena mengingat akibat buruk sering terjadi
ketika berbuah.( Suhendi : 2002).
Rukun dan Syarat
Rukun : Ijab dan Qabul
1. Syarat yang bertalian dengan ’aqidain , yaitu harus berakal.
2. Syarat yang berkaitan dengan tanaman, yaitu disyaratkan adanya penentuan macam apa saja yang akan ditanam.
3. Hal yang berkaitan dengan perolehan hasil dari tanaman, yaitu :
a. Bagian masing-masing harus disebutkan jumlahnya (persentasenya) ketika akad
b Hasil adalah milik bersama
Bagian antara Amil dan Malik adalah dari satu jenis barang yang sama,
misalnya dari kapas, bila Malik bagiannya padi kemudian Amil bagiannya
singkong, maka hal ini tidak sah.
d. Bagian kedua belah pihak sudah dapat diketahui
e.Tidak disyaratkan bagi salah satunya penambahan yang ma’lum.
4. Hal yang berhubungan dengan tanah yang akan ditanami , yaitu :
a.tanah tersebut dapat ditanami.
b.tanah tersebut dapat diketahui batas-batasnya.
5. Hal yang berkaitan dengan waktu, syarat-syaratnya ialah :
a.waktunya telah ditentukan
itu memungkinkan untuk menanam tanaman dimaksud, seperti menanam padi
waktunya kurang lebih 4 bulan (tergantung teknologi yang dipakainya,
termasuk kebiasaan setempat).
c.waktu tersebut memungkinkan dua belah pihak hidup menurut kebiasaan.
6. Hal
yang berkaitan dengan alat-alat muzara’ah , alat-alat tersebut
disyaratkan berupa hewan atau yang lainnya dibebankan kepada pemilik
Hikmah Muzara’ah (مزرعة) dan Mukhabarah (مخبررة)
dan Mukhabarah (مخبررة) disyari’atkan untuk menghindari adanya
pemilikan hewan ternak yang kurang bisa dimanfaatkan karena tidak ada
tanah untuk diolah dan menghindari tanah yang juga dibiarkan tidak
diproduksikan karena tidak ada yang mengolahnya.
(مزرعة) dan mukhabarah (مخبررة) terdapat pembagian hasil. Untuk
hal-hal lainnya yang bersifat teknis disesuaikan dengan syirkah yaitu
konsep bekerja sama dalam upaya menyatukan potensi yang ada pada
masing-masing pihak dengan tujuan bisa saling menguntungkan.
MUSAQAH (مسقة)
Menurut Bahasa
Musaqah (مسقة) berasal dari kata al-saqa (السق)
bekerja pada pohon tamar, anggur (mengurusnya) atau pohon-pohon yang
lainnya supaya mendatangkan kemaslahatan dan mendapatkan bagian tertentu
dari hasil yang diurus sebagai imbalan.
Menurut istilah
Syaikh Syihab al-Din al-Qalyubi dan Syaikh Umairah, al-musaqah (المسقة)
ialah Mempekerjakan manusia untuk mengurus pohon dengan menyiram dan
memeliharanya dan hasil yang dirizkikan Allah dari pohon itu untuk
Landasan Syariah
Diriwayatkan Imam Muslim dari Ibnu Amr RA, bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang artinya :
tanah Khaibar dengan bagian separoh dari penghasilan baik buah-buahan
maupun pertanian (tanaman). Pada riwayat lain dinyatakan bahwa Rasul
menyerahkan tanah Khaibar itu kepada Yahudi, untuk diolah dan modal dari
hartanya, penghasilan separohnya untuk Nabi”.
Rukun dan Syarat
Rukun: Ijab dan Qabul
1. Shigat,
yang dilakukan kadang-kadang dengan jelas (Sharih) dan dengan samaran
(kinayah), disyaratkan shighat dengan lafazh dan tidak cukup dengan
perbuatan saja.
2. Dua
orang atau pihak yang berakad (al-‘aqidani), disyaratkan bagi
orang-orang yang berakad dengan ahli (mampu) untuk mengelola akad,
seperti baligh, berakal dan tidak berada dibawah pengampunan.
3. Kebun
dan semua pohon yang berbuah, semua pohon yang berbuah boleh diparohkan
(bagi hasil), baik yang berbuah tahunan (satu kali dalam setahun)
maupun yang buahnya hanya satu kali kemudian mati seperti padi, jagung
dan yang lainnya.
4. Masa
kerja, hendaklah ditentukan lama waktu yang akan dikerjakan, seperti
satu tahun atau sekurang-kurangnya menurut kebiasaan dalam waktu
tersebut tanaman atau pohon yang diurus sudah berbuah, juga yang harus
ditentukan ialah pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan oleh tukang kebun,
seperti menyiram, memetongi cabang-cabang pohon yang akan menghambat
kesuburan buah atau mengawinkannya.
5. Buah,
hendaklah ditentukan bagian masing-masing (yang punya kebun dan bekerja
di kebun), seperti seperdua, sepertiga, seperempat atau ukuran yang
Daftar Pustaka:
Al-Qur’an dan Terjemahnya.
Agustianto. Slide Matakuliah Fiqih Muamalah. PSTTI-UI: 2008
itu tadi artikel mengenai Pengertian, Investasi, Deposito tentang Akad
Mudhorobah. Semoga artikel tersebut bermanfaat dan berguna untuk
teman-teman semuanya.
Banking | Tonight admin will provide information about the Sample
Scientific article / paper on Understanding , Scheme , Example , and the
Basic Law Mudharabah ( Mudhorobah ) . Hopefully this article , can be
useful to all my friends in order to complete the tasks assigned by the
teacher or lecturer .
A. Definition
The word is derived from the word dharb mudaraba ( ضرب ) which means hitting or running . Definition of hit or run someone 's intention is to strike their feet in the process of running a business . A so-called mudaraba contract , because the workers ( mudharib ) usually requires a trip to run a business . While traveling in Arabic is called dharb fil Ardhi ( في الأرض ضرب ) .
In the language of Iraq ( Iraqi population ) named mudaraba , while the population of the Hijaz call Qiradh . Qiradh derived from the word al - qardhu , which means al - qath'u ( pieces ) because the owner cut off part of his property to be traded and retain a portion of its profits .
Mudaraba or Qiradh included in the category shirkah . In the Quran, the word mudaraba vaguer the term mudaraba . The Quran only mentions of the word is musytaq dharaba contained as many as 58 times . Some scholars give a sense of mudaraba or Qiradh as follows :
a) According to the jurists , mudaraba contract is between two parties ( people ) bear to each other , one party handed over his property to another party to trade with a predetermined portion of the profits , such as a half or a third of the conditions that have been determined .
b ) According to Hanafiyah , mudaraba is " Akad shirkah in profit , one -party property owners and other parties holding services " .
c ) Malikiyah found mudaraba is : " Akad representation , where the property owner issued his property to another for trade with the specified payment ( gold and silver ) " .
d ) Imam Hanabilah found Mudaraba is : " Like a property owner hands the possessions of a certain size to those who trade with part of the profits that are known " .
e ) Cleric Syafi'iyah found Mudaraba is : " Akad which determines a person's hands the fortune to others for ditijarahkan " .
f ) Shaykh Shihab al - Din al - Qalyubi and Umairah found mudaraba is : " Someone handed to another treasure for ditijarhakan and profit together . "
g ) Al - Bakri, Ibn al - Arif Billah al - Sayyid Muhammad Syata found Mudaraba is : " Someone gave the problem to another and in dalmnya acceptable replacement . "
h ) Sabiq Sayyid argues , Mudaraba is " contract between two parties for one party to spend some money for trading on the condition that profits halved in accordance with the agreement " .
i ) According to Imam Taqi al-Din , mudaraba is " financial Akad done for managed trade . "
From some of the above can be concluded that mudaraba is a business cooperation contract between two parties in which the first party is the owner of capital ( shahibul maal ) , while others become manager of capital ( mudharib ) , with the proviso that the results of the benefits will be shared for both parties in accordance with the collective agreement ( agreed ratio ) , but if there is a loss would be borne shahibul Maal .
scheme Mudaraba
100 % capital
Capital + Profit Sharing
B. Legal Basis
• Evidence Quran
" Your Lord knows that you stand ( prayer ) is less than two- thirds of the night , or half the night , or a third and ( so are ) a party of those with you . and God set the size of night and day . He knows that you can never determine the boundaries of those times , then he gives relief to you , because it's easy to read what ( you ) from the Koran . He knows that there will be those among you who are sick and those who walk on the land, seeking of Allah's bounty; and other people again fighting in Allah , then read what is easy ( for you ) from the Quran and establish worship , pay the poor- due, and give a loan to Allah a good loan . and whatever good you do for yourself surely you gain ( return) it Reply with Allah as the best and the greatest reward . and ask forgiveness of Allah ; Allah is Forgiving , Merciful " . ( Al - Muzzammil [ 73 ] : 20 )
The word became wajhud - dilalah or argument of the above paragraph is yadhribun same root word meaning mudaraba doing a business trip .
" There is no sin for you to seek the gifts ( sustenance result of commerce ) from your Lord . When ye have departed from ' Arafat ( completed wuquf ) , berdzikirlah to God in Masy'aril Haram and berdzikirlah ( with call ) Allah as shown unto him ; and Thou before it actually includes those who go astray " . [ Al - Baqarah ( 2 ) : 198 ]
• Evidence Hadith
كان سيدنا العباس بن عبد المطلب إذا دفع المال مضاربة اشترط على صاحبه أن لا يسلك به بحرا , ولا ينزل به واديا , ولا يشتري به دابة ذات كبد رطبة , فإن فعل ذلك ضمن , فبلغ شرطه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم فأجازه ( رواه الطبراني فى الأوسط عن ابن عباس ) .
" Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib is , when he handed over a number of assets in the investment mudaraba , so he made a condition to the mudharib , so that the treasure was not carried through the ocean , not down the valley and do not buy the animal , if the syarat2 mudharib violated , then it is responsible bear the risk . The terms of the proposed Abbas came to the Prophet and Apostle justify it " . ( HR ath_Thabrani ) . This hadith explains the practice of mudaraba muqayyadah .
ثلاثة فيهن البركة : المقارضة والبيع الى اجل وخلط البر باالشعير للبيت لا للبيع ( ابن ماجه )
" Three kinds of blessings received : muqaradhah / mudaraba , buying and selling is tough , with a mix of wheat flour for domestic use is not for sale " . ( HR.Ibnu Majah ) .
عن عبد الله و عبيد الله ابني عمر أنهما لقيا أبو موسى ألأشعري باالبصرة منصرفهما من غزوة نهاوند فتسلفا منه مالا وابتاعا منه متاعا و قدما به المدينة فباعاه و ربحا فيه و أراد عمر أخذ رأس المال الربح كله فقالا لو كان تلف كان ضمنه علينا فكيف لا يكون الربح لنا فقال رجل يا أمير المؤمنين لو جعلته قراضا فقال قد جعلته قراضا وأخذ منهما نصف الربح ( أخرجه مالك )
From Abdullah and ' Ubaidullah , both children Umar , that the two met with Abu Musa Al - Asy'ary in Basra , after coming home from the war Nahawand . Both received the treasure of Abu Musa to be taken to the Medina ( the capital city ) . In his second trip to buy jewelry property , then sell it at Medina , so that both benefit . Umar decided to take advantage of capital and everything . But his two children said , " If the treasure is destroyed , we are not responsible for replacing it . How is it that there is no advantage to us ? " . Then someone said to Umar , "O Commander of the Faithful , it would be nice if you make it as Qiradh treasure " . Omar then accept the proposal . Umar said , " I'm making Qiradh " . Umar took half of the profits ( 50 % for Baitul Mal and 50 % for two children ) .
Mudaraba according to Ibn Hajar has existed since the time of the Prophet , he knew and admitted it. Even before being appointed to the Prophet, Muhammad has done Qiradh / mudaraba . Muhammad traveled to Sham to sell goods belonging to Khadijah ra who later became his wife .
In addition to the arguments of the Qur'an and Hadith 'argument above , the scholars also based on mudaraba practices conducted some friends , while the other friend does not deny it . Even treasure mudaraba done it in the time they treasure most are orphans . Therefore, based on the arguments of the Qur'an , the Hadith , and the practice of the Companions , the scholars of jurisprudence establishes that mudharabah if it fulfills the conditions pillars and then the law is allowed .
C. Pillars and Conditions
Pillars and mudaraba legitimate requirements are as follows :
1 . Presence of two or more actors , ie the investor ( capital owners ) and managers ( mudharib ) . Both sides were able to perform the required contract or qualified tasharruf law , then canceled the contract of children are still small , the insane , and the people who are under guardianship .
2 . Capital or principal assets ( mall ) , the terms are:
A. Form of money
The majority of scholars argue that the capital should be in the form of money and goods should not . Mudaraba with goods can lead to ambiguity , because the goods are generally volatile. If the goods are not volatile as gold or silver bullion form ( tabar ) , the scholars differed . Imam Malik in this case does not expressly prohibit or allow . But the scholars of the Hanafi school allows it and the value of capital goods to be used as payment when the contract is agreed upon by mudharib and Shahibul mall .
For example , a car has to be submitted to mudharib ( manager of capital ) . When the partnership agreement agreed , then mobal shall be determined at the time of the currency , for example Rp90.000.000 , then the mudaraba capital is Rp90.000.000 .
Obviously the number and type B.
Total capital must be known in order to distinguish clearly between the traded capital gain or profit from the trade that will be distributed to the two sides in accordance with the agreements that have been agreed upon .
C. Cash
Debt can not be used as mudaraba capital . Without capital injection , mean Shahibul mall does not contribute anything when mudarib has worked . The Shafi'i and Maliki scholars prohibit it because undermine the legitimacy of the contract . In addition, it could open the door usury act , which gives respite to the debt that has been unable to pay its debts with the compensation berpiutang obtain certain rewards . In this case the scholars of fiqh not disagree.
D. Capital left entirely to the manager directly
If not submitted to mudharib directly and not left entirely ( gradually ) feared would be damage to the capital , which can be annoying delay time due to work and further reduce its fullest . When the capital was partially retained by the owners of capital , in the sense of not left entirely , then according to scholars Hanafiyah , Malikiyah , and Syafi'iyah , mudharabah invalid . While scholars may be partly Hanabilah stated capital is in the hands of capital owners , the origin does not interfere with the smooth running of their business.
3 . Gain , the terms are:
A. Proportion clear . Gains will be owned by the management and owners of capital should be clear percentage , such as 60 % : 40 % , 50 % : 50 % and so on according to the collective agreement .
B. Profits must be shared for both sides , ie the investor ( capital owners ) and managers ( mudharib ) .
C. Break Even Point ( BEP ) should be obvious , since the BEP using revenue sharing system with different profit sharing . Profit sharing revenue sharing is done before the cut operating costs , so that the calculated results of the gross profit / revenues . While profit sharing profit sharing is done after the cut operating costs , so the result is calculated from net profit .
4 . Consent qobul . Melafazkan consent of the owners of capital , for example, I leave you this money to trade if there is a profit to be halved and granted from the manager .
D. Lessons and Distribution Mudaraba
Judging from the transaction (contract ) by the mall and mudharib Shahibul , mudaraba is divided into :
a) Mudaraba Muqayyadah (Restricted Investment Account ) , which is a form of cooperation between the requirements and certain restrictions . Where Shahibul mall restrict the type of business , time or place of business . In terms of modern Islamic economics , mudaraba type is called the Restricted Investment Account . These limits are intended to save the capital from risk of loss . The requirements that must be met by the mudharib . If mudharib violate these limits , then he should be responsible for losses incurred .
Restrictions on the type of mudaraba disputed the scholars regarding its validity . But rajih , such restrictions are useful and not at all the arguments menyelisihi Sharai , because just based on ijtihad and the deal is done and the pleasure of both parties , so shall fulfilled . How mudharabah muqayyadah recording are of two kinds , namely :
a. Off Balance Sheet , its provisions are:
1 . Shariah Bank acted as arranger and got only as an arranger fee
2 . Recording transactions in shariah bank off balance sheet
3 . Those involving only the result of investors and debtors customers only
4 . The Great sharing according to the agreement investor customers and debtors
b . On Balance Sheet , its provisions are:
1 . Customers Investors mensyarakatkan financing target funds , such as for certain agricultural , property , or mining only
2 . Mutilations in Shariah banks are on balance sheet
3 . Determination of the profit sharing ratio over the bank and the customer agreement
b ) Mudaraba Muthlaqah ( Unrestricted Investment account ) , which is a form of cooperation between the mall and mudharib Shahibul unconditionally or without being limited by the specification of the type of effort , time , and area businesses . In English , the Islamic economists often refer to as the mudaraba muthlaqah Unrestricted Investment Account ( Uriah ) . So if there is a loss in the business , mudharib not bear the risk for any losses . Losses are fully addressed Shahibul mall .
c ) Mudaraba musytarakah , is a form of mudaraba which includes fund manager or fund capital investment cooperation .
• National Fatwa Council No. Shariah . 07/DSN-MUI / IV / 2000 on Mudaraba ( Qiradh )
Terms of Financing :
1 ) Mudaraba financing is financing provided by BLM to another party for a productive business .
2 ) In this financing LKS as Shahibul Maal ( lenders ) to finance 100 % of the project ( business ) , while the employer ( client ) to act as mudharib or business manager .
3 ) Duration of business , refund procedures , and profit sharing is determined by agreement of both parties ( LKS with employers ) .
4 ) Mudharib may perform a variety of efforts that have been mutually agreed and in accordance with the Shari'ah ; and LKS did not participate in the management company or the project , but has the right to conduct training and supervision .
5 ) amount of funding should be clearly stated in the form of cash and not debt .
6 ) LKS as fund providers bear all losses resulting from the mudaraba unless mudharib ( customers ) make mistakes intentional , negligent , or violate the agreement .
7 ) In principle , the financing is there is no guarantee , however, in order not to deviate mudharib , LKS may request assurance from mudharib or third parties . This guarantee can only be availed if mudharib proved a foul on the things that have been agreed in the contract .
8 ) Criteria entrepreneurs , financing procedures , and benefit sharing mechanisms regulated by the BLM with regard fatwa DSN .
9 ) Operating costs charged to mudharib .
10 ) In terms of funding ( LKS ) undertakes no obligation or violation of the agreement , mudharib entitled to damages or costs incurred .
Second : Pillars and Terms of Financing :
1 . Providers of funds ( sahibul maal ) and manager ( mudharib ) must be capable of law .
2 . Statement qabul consent and must be declared by the parties to indicate their desire to enter into contracts (contract ) , with regard to the following :
a. Offer and acceptance must explicitly indicate the purpose of the contract (contract ) .
b . Acceptance of the offer made at the time the contract .
c . The written contract , by correspondence , or by using modern means of communication .
3 . Equity is the amount of money and / or assets of the funds provided by the provider to mudharib for business purposes with the following requirements :
a. Capital must be known quantity and type.
b . Capital can take the form of money or goods are assessed . If given in the form of capital asset , the asset must be assessed at the time of contract .
c . Capital accounts and the form can not be paid to mudharib , either incrementally or not , in accordance with the agreements in the contract .
4 . Advantages mudaraba is obtained as the excess amount of capital . Terms gains following must be met :
a. Should cater for both parties and should not be required for only one party .
b . Proportionate share of the profits for each party must be known and stated at the time the contract was agreed and should be in the form of percentage ( ratio ) of the profits as agreed . Changes must berdasarkankesepakatan ratio .
c . Fund providers bear all losses resulting from the mudaraba , and managers must not bear any loss unless resulting from accidental errors , omissions , or breach of the agreement .
5 . Activities by business managers ( mudharib ) , as equalization ( muqabil ) capital provided by the provider of funds , should pay attention to the following matters :
a. Business activities are exclusive rights mudharib , without the intervention fund provider , but he has the right to conduct surveillance .
b . Providers should not fund managers such narrow measures that may hinder the achievement of mudaraba , namely profits .
c . Business should not be violated Islamic Sharia law in its actions related to the mudaraba , and must comply with customs prevailing in the activity .
Some Provisions of Law Funding :
1 ) Mudaraba may be limited to a certain period .
2 ) The contract should not be linked ( mu'allaq ) with a future event that is not necessarily the case.
3 ) Basically , in a mudaraba no compensation , because basically it is a mandate agreement ( yad al - trust) , except as a result of accidental errors , omissions , or breach of the agreement .
4 ) If either party does not fulfill its obligations or in the event of a dispute between two parties , the settlement through Arbitration Board Shariah after no agreement was reached by consensus
• National Fatwa Council No. Sharia . 50 / DSN - MUI / III / 2006 on Mudharabah musytarakah
First : General Provisions
Musytarakah Mudaraba Mudaraba is a form of contract where the manager ( mudharib ) include capital or investment funds in cooperation .
Second : Legal Requirements
Mudaraba musytarakah allowed by Shariah Financial Institutions ( LKS ) , because it is part of the law of Mudaraba .
Third : Terms of Agreement
1 . Akad used is musytarakah Mudaraba contract , which is a combination of contract Mudaraba and Musharaka contract .
2 . Worksheets as mudharib include capital or investment funds in mutual customers .
3 . Worksheets as the party that put up the money ( musytarik ) receive the profits based on the portion of capital or included.
4 . Portion advantage taken by the BLM after a musytarik divided between LKS as mudharib with customer funds according to the agreed ratio .
5 . Event of the loss of LKS as musytarik bear the loss in proportion to the capital or funds are included .
Fourth : Final Provisions
1 . If either party does not fulfill its obligations or in the event of a dispute between the parties , the settlement through Arbitration Shariah after no agreement was reached by consensus .
2 . Fatwa is valid from the date of enactment , the provision in the future if it turns out there is a mistake , will be modified and refined as it should be .
F. Differences Interest and Profit Sharing
No Interest For Results
1 . Interest determination is made before
his ( at the time of contract ) without
based on the determination of the cost-benefit ratio for the results with the agreement made at the time based on the profit and loss
2 . Percentage amount ( interest )
predetermined based
right amount of money loaned amount is based on profit -sharing , in accordance with an agreed ratio
3 . Total interest payments do not increase even if the amount of profit sharing profit increased number increases with the increase in revenue
4 . The event of a loss , covered the
Borrowers only, based on devel
Yaran fixed interest promised the event of a loss incurred both sides
5 . Interest amount to be paid must be accepted bank borrower business success of common concern
6 . Generally Religion ( especially Islam ) No Doubt criticize Sharing System
7 . Contrast with Surah Luqman : 34 Implement Surah Luqman : 34
G. Application Mudaraba in Islamic Banking
Mudaraba is usually applied to financial products and financing . On the fund raising side , al - mudaraba applied to :
a) Savings deposits mudaraba is a third party in the penarikannnya Islamic Banking can be done any time of day or according to the agreement . In this case the Bank acts as Mudharib ( manager of capital ) and depositors as Shahibul Maal ( owners of capital ) . Bank as mudharib will divide the profits according to Shahibul Maal ratio ( percentage ) that has been agreed .
b ) Mudaraba Deposit ( Deposit Investment Mudaraba ) is a savings- investment of third parties ( individuals or legal entities ) , which penarikannnya only be done in a certain period of time ( maturity) to get rewarded for results .
The terms of the financing , mudaraba applied for :
a) Working capital financing . Banks provide financing capital investment or working capital fully ( capital owners / sahhibul maal ) , while providing customers and the business management ( mudharib ) Results profits will be divided in accordance with the collective agreement in the form of a ratio ( percentage ) of certain advantages for example 65 % : 35 % .
b ) Special Investments , also called mudaraba muqayyadah , where the source of a special fund with special disbursements by the terms set by Shahibul maal .
Mechanism and Operating Systems Mudaraba in Islamic Banking
Mudaraba Mudaraba Financing
Islamic Bank
Sharing Sharing
In the practice of Islamic banking , now there are two forms of mudaraba muqayyadah , namely :
a) On the balance sheet , the cash flow going from one customer executing a group of investors to venture in some limited sectors , such as agriculture , manufacturing and services . Other investor customers may require funds may only be used for financing in the mining sector , and agricultural properties . In addition by sector , investors may require the customer based on the type of contract used , for example just by the credit sale contract only. This scheme is called On Balance Sheet as recorded in the balance sheet .
b ) Off -balance sheet , the cash flow derived from a single customer to a client investor financing ( which in a conventional bank is called the debtor ) . Here the Islamic bank acts only as an arranger alone . Recording of transactions in Islamic banks carried off balance sheet . For only the results involving investor customers and implementing their business in accordance with the agreement , while only acquiring bank arranger fee.
H. Security ( Collateral )
I. Assurance mudaraba in fiqh litelatur
The relationship between the investor with mudharib is a relationship that is " pawn " and mudharib is the person who believed , then there is no guarantee by mudarib to investors . Investors can not claim any guarantee of mudharib to restore capital gains . If investors require guarantees of mudharib and expressed this in terms of the contract , then they mudaraba contract is not valid , according to Malik and Shafi'i .
2 . Assurance mudaraba in the Islamic banking
Based fatwa DSN - MUI concerning financing is ( Qiradh ) that in principle there are no guarantees in mudaraba . But in order not to deviate mudharib , Shariah Financial Institutions may request assurance from mudharib or third parties . This guarantee can only be availed if mudharib proven violating the things that have disepekati together in agreement . So the guarantee is only for show seriousness and prevent fraud mudharib do . Such statements quoted from the AAOIFI , the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions , Bahrain , 1998 that " collateral is important to protect the Islamic bank from any misconduct " .
J. Application Mudaraba in Islamic Financial Institutions
• Takaful
1 . Takaful family
Takaful premiums received put in " Savings Account " which is a savings account and the participant " Special Account ( Tabarru ' ) is a special account reserved for the good of a payment claim ( takaful benefit ) to the beneficiary if there among participants who died or suffered other calamity . Takaful premium is put together in a collection of fund participants , then developed through investment projects that Islam justified , by applying the principle of al - mudaraba in accordance with the agreement , for example 70 % profit for the participants and 30 % for the company . Of the participants 70 % gain was included in a special savings account and account proportionally . Meanwhile, corporate profits by 30 % is used to finance the company's operations .
- Actual payment account if:
• the coverage period ends
• resigned participants in the insurance period .
• Participant dies during the coverage period .
- While the payment account if:
• participants died during peratanggungan
• coverage period expires ( if any ) .
2 . General Takaful
Takaful premiums received is inserted into a special account ( tabarru ' ) account that is exclusively reserved for the goodness in the form of claim payments to participants at any time if stricken by either the property or the participants themselves . Takaful premiums are included in the " Collection Fund Participants " , then developed through investment projects that Islam justified . The advantage gained investment put into the " Collection Fund Participants " . After expenses insurance ( claims , insurance premiums ) and still there is excess , then the excess will be divided according to the principle of al - mudaraba . Advantage participants will be returned to participants who did not experience a disaster . Meanwhile, corporate profits will be used to finance the company's operations .
• Pawn Sharia
Mudharabah applied to customers who want to pawn collateral in order to increase venture capital ( investment or working capital financing ) . Thus rahin will provide the results based on business profits earned in accordance with the agreement to murtahin up with borrowed capital repaid .
In the BMT application is not much different mudaraba mudaraba application on Islamic banking . This relates to the distribution of funds to customers BMT consisting of two kinds , namely : first , the financing system for the results ; second , the sale and purchase with deferred payment . This financing is channeling funds to a third party BMT , based on the financing agreement between BMT and other parties with a specific period and agreed profit sharing ratio , which is reflected on the application mudaraba as one form of the distribution of funds BMT .
K. Cancellation Mudaraba
Mudharabah be canceled if there are matters as follows :
1 . Non-fulfillment of one or more terms Mudaraba . If either condition is not met mudaraba , while capital already held by the management and has been traded , then managing to get some of the profits as wages , because the permission of the owner of capital actions and he did have a reward task . If there is a profit , then the profit for the owners of capital . If there is a loss , the loss is the responsibility of the owners of capital as a manager is only entitled to receive workers' wages and are not responsible for anything whatsoever , except upon negligence .
2 . Business deliberately left his job as manager of capital or capital managers to do something that is contrary to the purpose of the contract . In these circumstances bertanggng capital manager responsible for any loss because he was the cause of loss .
3 . If the executor or capital owner dies or one of the owners dies capital , mudaraba is void .
Al - muzara'ah ( المزرعة ) which means tharh al - zur'ah ( throwing plants ) , referring to the capital ( al - hadzar )
In terms
1 . According Hanafiyah , muzara'ah ( مزرعة ) contract is to grow crops with most coming out of the earth . While mukhabarah ( مخبررة ) by Syafi'iyah is : Agreement to farm with most anything that comes out of the earth .
2 . According dhahir texts , al - Shafi'i found mukhabarah ( مخبررة ) is working on the ground with what was released from the soil . While muzara'ah ( مزرعة ) is a worker lease land with what comes out of the ground .
3 . Shaykh Ibrahim al - Bajuri found mukhabarah ( مخبررة ) is the real owner of the land handed over only to the workers and the capital of the manager . And muzara'ah ( مزرعة ) is working to manage the land with most of what comes out of it and the capital of the land owner .
The foundation of Sharia
Hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from Ibn `Abbas :
" Indeed, the Prophet declared , not proscribe bermuzara'ah , he even told him , that the most loving others , with he , he who owns the land , then let plants a boondoggle or given to his brother , if he refuses , then it may be detained the soil " .
Reported by Abu Dawud and al - Nasa'i from Rafi ' ra of the Prophet , he said:
" That may be fished only three kinds of people : men no land , then he is entitled to plant and men entrusted with the benefits of the land , then he is planted and the man who rented the land with gold or silver " .
According to al - Syafi'iyah , unlawful conduct muzara'ah ( مزرعة ) . He reasoned with the hadith narrated by Muslim from Ibn al - Dhahak Tsabut :
" That the Prophet Muhammad has forbidden bermuzara'ah and ordered rent - rent only and the Prophet SAW said , it does not matter " .
According to the author of the book al - Minhaj , that mukhabarah ( مخبررة ) , which is working on the ground ( work fields or fields) to take some of the results , while the seeds of workers and should not be too bermuzara'ah is the seed of the land management land treatment . This opinion is justified to some Saheeh hadith , among other hadith Ibn Thabit Dhahak , because considering the bad consequences often occur when fruiting . ( Suhendi : 2002) .
Pillars and Conditions
Pillars : Ijab and qabul
Terms :
1 . Terms related to the ' aqidain , which must be rational .
2 . Terms relating to plants , which required the presence of any kind of determination that will be planted .
3 . Matters related to the acquisition of the results of the plant , namely :
a. Each part must mention the amount ( percentage ) when the contract
b Results are common property
c . Section between Amil and Malik are of the same type of item , such as cotton , rice parts when Malik then Amil cassava parts , then it is not valid .
d . Part two sides already be known
e.Tidak required for the addition of one ma'lum .
4 . Thing relating to the land to be planted , namely :
a.tanah can be planted .
The b.tanah can know its limits .
5 . Thing relating to time , the terms are :
a.waktunya been determined
b.waktu it is possible to grow crops , such as rice planting time is less than 4 months ( depending on the technology employed, including local customs ) .
c.waktu allows two parties to live according to the customs .
6 . Thing relating to muzara'ah tools , the tools required in the form of animals or other things charged to the landowner .
Wisdom muzara'ah ( مزرعة ) and Mukhabarah ( مخبررة )
Muzara'ah and Mukhabarah ( مخبررة ) disyari'atkan to avoid the lack of ownership of livestock can be used because there is no land to cultivate, and avoid soil also produced left because no process .
Muzara'ah ( مزرعة ) and mukhabarah ( مخبررة ) are sharing the results . For other matters of a technical nature that is adapted to shirkah concept of working together in an effort to unite the potential of each party with a purpose can be mutually beneficial .
MUSAQAH ( مسقة )
According to Language
Musaqah ( مسقة ) is derived from the word al - Saqa ( السق )
Someone working on tamar trees , grapes ( take care ) or other trees in order to bring benefit and get a certain portion of the proceeds are taken care of in return .
According to the terms
According to Shaykh Shihab al - Din al - Shaykh Qalyubi and Umairah , al - musaqah ( المسقة ) is Hiring people to take care of the tree and keep it watered and God dirizkikan results from the tree for both .
The foundation of Sharia
Imam Muslim narrated from Ibn ' Amr RA that the Prophet SAW said , which means :
" Giving the land of Khaibar to the half part of the income either fruits or agricultural ( crop ) . In another narration it is stated that the Apostles handed over the land of Khaibar to the Jews , to be processed and the capital of his property , income separohnya to the Prophet " .
Pillars and Conditions
Pillars : Ijab and qabul
Terms :
1 . Shigat , who performed occasionally with clear ( sharih ) and with a pseudonym ( kinayah ) , required shighat with wording and not enough to act alone .
2 . Two persons or parties berakad ( al - ' aqidani ) , required for people who berakad with experts ( able ) to manage the contract , such as baligh , intelligent and not under remission .
3 . Gardens and all the fruit trees , all trees that bear fruit may diparohkan (profit sharing ) , both of which bear annual ( once per year ) and the fruit only once and then die like rice , maize and others .
4 . Period work , let the specified length of time to be done , such as one year or at least according to the custom of the time that is taken care of plants or trees have fruit , also to be determined is work to be done by the gardener , such as watering , memetongi tree branches that will inhibit fertility fruit or marry .
5 . Fruits , let each specified section ( which has a garden and working in the garden ) , such as half , a third , or a quarter of the size of the other .
Bibliography :
Al - Quran and Terjemahnya .
Agustianto . Tenets Fiqh Course slides . PSTTI - UI : 2008
So it was an article about Understanding , Investments, Deposits on Mudhorobah Akad . Hopefully this article useful and handy for all my friends .
A. Definition
The word is derived from the word dharb mudaraba ( ضرب ) which means hitting or running . Definition of hit or run someone 's intention is to strike their feet in the process of running a business . A so-called mudaraba contract , because the workers ( mudharib ) usually requires a trip to run a business . While traveling in Arabic is called dharb fil Ardhi ( في الأرض ضرب ) .
In the language of Iraq ( Iraqi population ) named mudaraba , while the population of the Hijaz call Qiradh . Qiradh derived from the word al - qardhu , which means al - qath'u ( pieces ) because the owner cut off part of his property to be traded and retain a portion of its profits .
Mudaraba or Qiradh included in the category shirkah . In the Quran, the word mudaraba vaguer the term mudaraba . The Quran only mentions of the word is musytaq dharaba contained as many as 58 times . Some scholars give a sense of mudaraba or Qiradh as follows :
a) According to the jurists , mudaraba contract is between two parties ( people ) bear to each other , one party handed over his property to another party to trade with a predetermined portion of the profits , such as a half or a third of the conditions that have been determined .
b ) According to Hanafiyah , mudaraba is " Akad shirkah in profit , one -party property owners and other parties holding services " .
c ) Malikiyah found mudaraba is : " Akad representation , where the property owner issued his property to another for trade with the specified payment ( gold and silver ) " .
d ) Imam Hanabilah found Mudaraba is : " Like a property owner hands the possessions of a certain size to those who trade with part of the profits that are known " .
e ) Cleric Syafi'iyah found Mudaraba is : " Akad which determines a person's hands the fortune to others for ditijarahkan " .
f ) Shaykh Shihab al - Din al - Qalyubi and Umairah found mudaraba is : " Someone handed to another treasure for ditijarhakan and profit together . "
g ) Al - Bakri, Ibn al - Arif Billah al - Sayyid Muhammad Syata found Mudaraba is : " Someone gave the problem to another and in dalmnya acceptable replacement . "
h ) Sabiq Sayyid argues , Mudaraba is " contract between two parties for one party to spend some money for trading on the condition that profits halved in accordance with the agreement " .
i ) According to Imam Taqi al-Din , mudaraba is " financial Akad done for managed trade . "
From some of the above can be concluded that mudaraba is a business cooperation contract between two parties in which the first party is the owner of capital ( shahibul maal ) , while others become manager of capital ( mudharib ) , with the proviso that the results of the benefits will be shared for both parties in accordance with the collective agreement ( agreed ratio ) , but if there is a loss would be borne shahibul Maal .
scheme Mudaraba
100 % capital
Capital + Profit Sharing
B. Legal Basis
• Evidence Quran
" Your Lord knows that you stand ( prayer ) is less than two- thirds of the night , or half the night , or a third and ( so are ) a party of those with you . and God set the size of night and day . He knows that you can never determine the boundaries of those times , then he gives relief to you , because it's easy to read what ( you ) from the Koran . He knows that there will be those among you who are sick and those who walk on the land, seeking of Allah's bounty; and other people again fighting in Allah , then read what is easy ( for you ) from the Quran and establish worship , pay the poor- due, and give a loan to Allah a good loan . and whatever good you do for yourself surely you gain ( return) it Reply with Allah as the best and the greatest reward . and ask forgiveness of Allah ; Allah is Forgiving , Merciful " . ( Al - Muzzammil [ 73 ] : 20 )
The word became wajhud - dilalah or argument of the above paragraph is yadhribun same root word meaning mudaraba doing a business trip .
" There is no sin for you to seek the gifts ( sustenance result of commerce ) from your Lord . When ye have departed from ' Arafat ( completed wuquf ) , berdzikirlah to God in Masy'aril Haram and berdzikirlah ( with call ) Allah as shown unto him ; and Thou before it actually includes those who go astray " . [ Al - Baqarah ( 2 ) : 198 ]
• Evidence Hadith
كان سيدنا العباس بن عبد المطلب إذا دفع المال مضاربة اشترط على صاحبه أن لا يسلك به بحرا , ولا ينزل به واديا , ولا يشتري به دابة ذات كبد رطبة , فإن فعل ذلك ضمن , فبلغ شرطه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم فأجازه ( رواه الطبراني فى الأوسط عن ابن عباس ) .
" Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib is , when he handed over a number of assets in the investment mudaraba , so he made a condition to the mudharib , so that the treasure was not carried through the ocean , not down the valley and do not buy the animal , if the syarat2 mudharib violated , then it is responsible bear the risk . The terms of the proposed Abbas came to the Prophet and Apostle justify it " . ( HR ath_Thabrani ) . This hadith explains the practice of mudaraba muqayyadah .
ثلاثة فيهن البركة : المقارضة والبيع الى اجل وخلط البر باالشعير للبيت لا للبيع ( ابن ماجه )
" Three kinds of blessings received : muqaradhah / mudaraba , buying and selling is tough , with a mix of wheat flour for domestic use is not for sale " . ( HR.Ibnu Majah ) .
عن عبد الله و عبيد الله ابني عمر أنهما لقيا أبو موسى ألأشعري باالبصرة منصرفهما من غزوة نهاوند فتسلفا منه مالا وابتاعا منه متاعا و قدما به المدينة فباعاه و ربحا فيه و أراد عمر أخذ رأس المال الربح كله فقالا لو كان تلف كان ضمنه علينا فكيف لا يكون الربح لنا فقال رجل يا أمير المؤمنين لو جعلته قراضا فقال قد جعلته قراضا وأخذ منهما نصف الربح ( أخرجه مالك )
From Abdullah and ' Ubaidullah , both children Umar , that the two met with Abu Musa Al - Asy'ary in Basra , after coming home from the war Nahawand . Both received the treasure of Abu Musa to be taken to the Medina ( the capital city ) . In his second trip to buy jewelry property , then sell it at Medina , so that both benefit . Umar decided to take advantage of capital and everything . But his two children said , " If the treasure is destroyed , we are not responsible for replacing it . How is it that there is no advantage to us ? " . Then someone said to Umar , "O Commander of the Faithful , it would be nice if you make it as Qiradh treasure " . Omar then accept the proposal . Umar said , " I'm making Qiradh " . Umar took half of the profits ( 50 % for Baitul Mal and 50 % for two children ) .
Mudaraba according to Ibn Hajar has existed since the time of the Prophet , he knew and admitted it. Even before being appointed to the Prophet, Muhammad has done Qiradh / mudaraba . Muhammad traveled to Sham to sell goods belonging to Khadijah ra who later became his wife .
In addition to the arguments of the Qur'an and Hadith 'argument above , the scholars also based on mudaraba practices conducted some friends , while the other friend does not deny it . Even treasure mudaraba done it in the time they treasure most are orphans . Therefore, based on the arguments of the Qur'an , the Hadith , and the practice of the Companions , the scholars of jurisprudence establishes that mudharabah if it fulfills the conditions pillars and then the law is allowed .
C. Pillars and Conditions
Pillars and mudaraba legitimate requirements are as follows :
1 . Presence of two or more actors , ie the investor ( capital owners ) and managers ( mudharib ) . Both sides were able to perform the required contract or qualified tasharruf law , then canceled the contract of children are still small , the insane , and the people who are under guardianship .
2 . Capital or principal assets ( mall ) , the terms are:
A. Form of money
The majority of scholars argue that the capital should be in the form of money and goods should not . Mudaraba with goods can lead to ambiguity , because the goods are generally volatile. If the goods are not volatile as gold or silver bullion form ( tabar ) , the scholars differed . Imam Malik in this case does not expressly prohibit or allow . But the scholars of the Hanafi school allows it and the value of capital goods to be used as payment when the contract is agreed upon by mudharib and Shahibul mall .
For example , a car has to be submitted to mudharib ( manager of capital ) . When the partnership agreement agreed , then mobal shall be determined at the time of the currency , for example Rp90.000.000 , then the mudaraba capital is Rp90.000.000 .
Obviously the number and type B.
Total capital must be known in order to distinguish clearly between the traded capital gain or profit from the trade that will be distributed to the two sides in accordance with the agreements that have been agreed upon .
C. Cash
Debt can not be used as mudaraba capital . Without capital injection , mean Shahibul mall does not contribute anything when mudarib has worked . The Shafi'i and Maliki scholars prohibit it because undermine the legitimacy of the contract . In addition, it could open the door usury act , which gives respite to the debt that has been unable to pay its debts with the compensation berpiutang obtain certain rewards . In this case the scholars of fiqh not disagree.
D. Capital left entirely to the manager directly
If not submitted to mudharib directly and not left entirely ( gradually ) feared would be damage to the capital , which can be annoying delay time due to work and further reduce its fullest . When the capital was partially retained by the owners of capital , in the sense of not left entirely , then according to scholars Hanafiyah , Malikiyah , and Syafi'iyah , mudharabah invalid . While scholars may be partly Hanabilah stated capital is in the hands of capital owners , the origin does not interfere with the smooth running of their business.
3 . Gain , the terms are:
A. Proportion clear . Gains will be owned by the management and owners of capital should be clear percentage , such as 60 % : 40 % , 50 % : 50 % and so on according to the collective agreement .
B. Profits must be shared for both sides , ie the investor ( capital owners ) and managers ( mudharib ) .
C. Break Even Point ( BEP ) should be obvious , since the BEP using revenue sharing system with different profit sharing . Profit sharing revenue sharing is done before the cut operating costs , so that the calculated results of the gross profit / revenues . While profit sharing profit sharing is done after the cut operating costs , so the result is calculated from net profit .
4 . Consent qobul . Melafazkan consent of the owners of capital , for example, I leave you this money to trade if there is a profit to be halved and granted from the manager .
D. Lessons and Distribution Mudaraba
Judging from the transaction (contract ) by the mall and mudharib Shahibul , mudaraba is divided into :
a) Mudaraba Muqayyadah (Restricted Investment Account ) , which is a form of cooperation between the requirements and certain restrictions . Where Shahibul mall restrict the type of business , time or place of business . In terms of modern Islamic economics , mudaraba type is called the Restricted Investment Account . These limits are intended to save the capital from risk of loss . The requirements that must be met by the mudharib . If mudharib violate these limits , then he should be responsible for losses incurred .
Restrictions on the type of mudaraba disputed the scholars regarding its validity . But rajih , such restrictions are useful and not at all the arguments menyelisihi Sharai , because just based on ijtihad and the deal is done and the pleasure of both parties , so shall fulfilled . How mudharabah muqayyadah recording are of two kinds , namely :
a. Off Balance Sheet , its provisions are:
1 . Shariah Bank acted as arranger and got only as an arranger fee
2 . Recording transactions in shariah bank off balance sheet
3 . Those involving only the result of investors and debtors customers only
4 . The Great sharing according to the agreement investor customers and debtors
b . On Balance Sheet , its provisions are:
1 . Customers Investors mensyarakatkan financing target funds , such as for certain agricultural , property , or mining only
2 . Mutilations in Shariah banks are on balance sheet
3 . Determination of the profit sharing ratio over the bank and the customer agreement
b ) Mudaraba Muthlaqah ( Unrestricted Investment account ) , which is a form of cooperation between the mall and mudharib Shahibul unconditionally or without being limited by the specification of the type of effort , time , and area businesses . In English , the Islamic economists often refer to as the mudaraba muthlaqah Unrestricted Investment Account ( Uriah ) . So if there is a loss in the business , mudharib not bear the risk for any losses . Losses are fully addressed Shahibul mall .
c ) Mudaraba musytarakah , is a form of mudaraba which includes fund manager or fund capital investment cooperation .
• National Fatwa Council No. Shariah . 07/DSN-MUI / IV / 2000 on Mudaraba ( Qiradh )
Terms of Financing :
1 ) Mudaraba financing is financing provided by BLM to another party for a productive business .
2 ) In this financing LKS as Shahibul Maal ( lenders ) to finance 100 % of the project ( business ) , while the employer ( client ) to act as mudharib or business manager .
3 ) Duration of business , refund procedures , and profit sharing is determined by agreement of both parties ( LKS with employers ) .
4 ) Mudharib may perform a variety of efforts that have been mutually agreed and in accordance with the Shari'ah ; and LKS did not participate in the management company or the project , but has the right to conduct training and supervision .
5 ) amount of funding should be clearly stated in the form of cash and not debt .
6 ) LKS as fund providers bear all losses resulting from the mudaraba unless mudharib ( customers ) make mistakes intentional , negligent , or violate the agreement .
7 ) In principle , the financing is there is no guarantee , however, in order not to deviate mudharib , LKS may request assurance from mudharib or third parties . This guarantee can only be availed if mudharib proved a foul on the things that have been agreed in the contract .
8 ) Criteria entrepreneurs , financing procedures , and benefit sharing mechanisms regulated by the BLM with regard fatwa DSN .
9 ) Operating costs charged to mudharib .
10 ) In terms of funding ( LKS ) undertakes no obligation or violation of the agreement , mudharib entitled to damages or costs incurred .
Second : Pillars and Terms of Financing :
1 . Providers of funds ( sahibul maal ) and manager ( mudharib ) must be capable of law .
2 . Statement qabul consent and must be declared by the parties to indicate their desire to enter into contracts (contract ) , with regard to the following :
a. Offer and acceptance must explicitly indicate the purpose of the contract (contract ) .
b . Acceptance of the offer made at the time the contract .
c . The written contract , by correspondence , or by using modern means of communication .
3 . Equity is the amount of money and / or assets of the funds provided by the provider to mudharib for business purposes with the following requirements :
a. Capital must be known quantity and type.
b . Capital can take the form of money or goods are assessed . If given in the form of capital asset , the asset must be assessed at the time of contract .
c . Capital accounts and the form can not be paid to mudharib , either incrementally or not , in accordance with the agreements in the contract .
4 . Advantages mudaraba is obtained as the excess amount of capital . Terms gains following must be met :
a. Should cater for both parties and should not be required for only one party .
b . Proportionate share of the profits for each party must be known and stated at the time the contract was agreed and should be in the form of percentage ( ratio ) of the profits as agreed . Changes must berdasarkankesepakatan ratio .
c . Fund providers bear all losses resulting from the mudaraba , and managers must not bear any loss unless resulting from accidental errors , omissions , or breach of the agreement .
5 . Activities by business managers ( mudharib ) , as equalization ( muqabil ) capital provided by the provider of funds , should pay attention to the following matters :
a. Business activities are exclusive rights mudharib , without the intervention fund provider , but he has the right to conduct surveillance .
b . Providers should not fund managers such narrow measures that may hinder the achievement of mudaraba , namely profits .
c . Business should not be violated Islamic Sharia law in its actions related to the mudaraba , and must comply with customs prevailing in the activity .
Some Provisions of Law Funding :
1 ) Mudaraba may be limited to a certain period .
2 ) The contract should not be linked ( mu'allaq ) with a future event that is not necessarily the case.
3 ) Basically , in a mudaraba no compensation , because basically it is a mandate agreement ( yad al - trust) , except as a result of accidental errors , omissions , or breach of the agreement .
4 ) If either party does not fulfill its obligations or in the event of a dispute between two parties , the settlement through Arbitration Board Shariah after no agreement was reached by consensus
• National Fatwa Council No. Sharia . 50 / DSN - MUI / III / 2006 on Mudharabah musytarakah
First : General Provisions
Musytarakah Mudaraba Mudaraba is a form of contract where the manager ( mudharib ) include capital or investment funds in cooperation .
Second : Legal Requirements
Mudaraba musytarakah allowed by Shariah Financial Institutions ( LKS ) , because it is part of the law of Mudaraba .
Third : Terms of Agreement
1 . Akad used is musytarakah Mudaraba contract , which is a combination of contract Mudaraba and Musharaka contract .
2 . Worksheets as mudharib include capital or investment funds in mutual customers .
3 . Worksheets as the party that put up the money ( musytarik ) receive the profits based on the portion of capital or included.
4 . Portion advantage taken by the BLM after a musytarik divided between LKS as mudharib with customer funds according to the agreed ratio .
5 . Event of the loss of LKS as musytarik bear the loss in proportion to the capital or funds are included .
Fourth : Final Provisions
1 . If either party does not fulfill its obligations or in the event of a dispute between the parties , the settlement through Arbitration Shariah after no agreement was reached by consensus .
2 . Fatwa is valid from the date of enactment , the provision in the future if it turns out there is a mistake , will be modified and refined as it should be .
F. Differences Interest and Profit Sharing
No Interest For Results
1 . Interest determination is made before
his ( at the time of contract ) without
based on the determination of the cost-benefit ratio for the results with the agreement made at the time based on the profit and loss
2 . Percentage amount ( interest )
predetermined based
right amount of money loaned amount is based on profit -sharing , in accordance with an agreed ratio
3 . Total interest payments do not increase even if the amount of profit sharing profit increased number increases with the increase in revenue
4 . The event of a loss , covered the
Borrowers only, based on devel
Yaran fixed interest promised the event of a loss incurred both sides
5 . Interest amount to be paid must be accepted bank borrower business success of common concern
6 . Generally Religion ( especially Islam ) No Doubt criticize Sharing System
7 . Contrast with Surah Luqman : 34 Implement Surah Luqman : 34
G. Application Mudaraba in Islamic Banking
Mudaraba is usually applied to financial products and financing . On the fund raising side , al - mudaraba applied to :
a) Savings deposits mudaraba is a third party in the penarikannnya Islamic Banking can be done any time of day or according to the agreement . In this case the Bank acts as Mudharib ( manager of capital ) and depositors as Shahibul Maal ( owners of capital ) . Bank as mudharib will divide the profits according to Shahibul Maal ratio ( percentage ) that has been agreed .
b ) Mudaraba Deposit ( Deposit Investment Mudaraba ) is a savings- investment of third parties ( individuals or legal entities ) , which penarikannnya only be done in a certain period of time ( maturity) to get rewarded for results .
The terms of the financing , mudaraba applied for :
a) Working capital financing . Banks provide financing capital investment or working capital fully ( capital owners / sahhibul maal ) , while providing customers and the business management ( mudharib ) Results profits will be divided in accordance with the collective agreement in the form of a ratio ( percentage ) of certain advantages for example 65 % : 35 % .
b ) Special Investments , also called mudaraba muqayyadah , where the source of a special fund with special disbursements by the terms set by Shahibul maal .
Mechanism and Operating Systems Mudaraba in Islamic Banking
Mudaraba Mudaraba Financing
Islamic Bank
Sharing Sharing
In the practice of Islamic banking , now there are two forms of mudaraba muqayyadah , namely :
a) On the balance sheet , the cash flow going from one customer executing a group of investors to venture in some limited sectors , such as agriculture , manufacturing and services . Other investor customers may require funds may only be used for financing in the mining sector , and agricultural properties . In addition by sector , investors may require the customer based on the type of contract used , for example just by the credit sale contract only. This scheme is called On Balance Sheet as recorded in the balance sheet .
b ) Off -balance sheet , the cash flow derived from a single customer to a client investor financing ( which in a conventional bank is called the debtor ) . Here the Islamic bank acts only as an arranger alone . Recording of transactions in Islamic banks carried off balance sheet . For only the results involving investor customers and implementing their business in accordance with the agreement , while only acquiring bank arranger fee.
H. Security ( Collateral )
I. Assurance mudaraba in fiqh litelatur
The relationship between the investor with mudharib is a relationship that is " pawn " and mudharib is the person who believed , then there is no guarantee by mudarib to investors . Investors can not claim any guarantee of mudharib to restore capital gains . If investors require guarantees of mudharib and expressed this in terms of the contract , then they mudaraba contract is not valid , according to Malik and Shafi'i .
2 . Assurance mudaraba in the Islamic banking
Based fatwa DSN - MUI concerning financing is ( Qiradh ) that in principle there are no guarantees in mudaraba . But in order not to deviate mudharib , Shariah Financial Institutions may request assurance from mudharib or third parties . This guarantee can only be availed if mudharib proven violating the things that have disepekati together in agreement . So the guarantee is only for show seriousness and prevent fraud mudharib do . Such statements quoted from the AAOIFI , the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions , Bahrain , 1998 that " collateral is important to protect the Islamic bank from any misconduct " .
J. Application Mudaraba in Islamic Financial Institutions
• Takaful
1 . Takaful family
Takaful premiums received put in " Savings Account " which is a savings account and the participant " Special Account ( Tabarru ' ) is a special account reserved for the good of a payment claim ( takaful benefit ) to the beneficiary if there among participants who died or suffered other calamity . Takaful premium is put together in a collection of fund participants , then developed through investment projects that Islam justified , by applying the principle of al - mudaraba in accordance with the agreement , for example 70 % profit for the participants and 30 % for the company . Of the participants 70 % gain was included in a special savings account and account proportionally . Meanwhile, corporate profits by 30 % is used to finance the company's operations .
- Actual payment account if:
• the coverage period ends
• resigned participants in the insurance period .
• Participant dies during the coverage period .
- While the payment account if:
• participants died during peratanggungan
• coverage period expires ( if any ) .
2 . General Takaful
Takaful premiums received is inserted into a special account ( tabarru ' ) account that is exclusively reserved for the goodness in the form of claim payments to participants at any time if stricken by either the property or the participants themselves . Takaful premiums are included in the " Collection Fund Participants " , then developed through investment projects that Islam justified . The advantage gained investment put into the " Collection Fund Participants " . After expenses insurance ( claims , insurance premiums ) and still there is excess , then the excess will be divided according to the principle of al - mudaraba . Advantage participants will be returned to participants who did not experience a disaster . Meanwhile, corporate profits will be used to finance the company's operations .
• Pawn Sharia
Mudharabah applied to customers who want to pawn collateral in order to increase venture capital ( investment or working capital financing ) . Thus rahin will provide the results based on business profits earned in accordance with the agreement to murtahin up with borrowed capital repaid .
In the BMT application is not much different mudaraba mudaraba application on Islamic banking . This relates to the distribution of funds to customers BMT consisting of two kinds , namely : first , the financing system for the results ; second , the sale and purchase with deferred payment . This financing is channeling funds to a third party BMT , based on the financing agreement between BMT and other parties with a specific period and agreed profit sharing ratio , which is reflected on the application mudaraba as one form of the distribution of funds BMT .
K. Cancellation Mudaraba
Mudharabah be canceled if there are matters as follows :
1 . Non-fulfillment of one or more terms Mudaraba . If either condition is not met mudaraba , while capital already held by the management and has been traded , then managing to get some of the profits as wages , because the permission of the owner of capital actions and he did have a reward task . If there is a profit , then the profit for the owners of capital . If there is a loss , the loss is the responsibility of the owners of capital as a manager is only entitled to receive workers' wages and are not responsible for anything whatsoever , except upon negligence .
2 . Business deliberately left his job as manager of capital or capital managers to do something that is contrary to the purpose of the contract . In these circumstances bertanggng capital manager responsible for any loss because he was the cause of loss .
3 . If the executor or capital owner dies or one of the owners dies capital , mudaraba is void .
Al - muzara'ah ( المزرعة ) which means tharh al - zur'ah ( throwing plants ) , referring to the capital ( al - hadzar )
In terms
1 . According Hanafiyah , muzara'ah ( مزرعة ) contract is to grow crops with most coming out of the earth . While mukhabarah ( مخبررة ) by Syafi'iyah is : Agreement to farm with most anything that comes out of the earth .
2 . According dhahir texts , al - Shafi'i found mukhabarah ( مخبررة ) is working on the ground with what was released from the soil . While muzara'ah ( مزرعة ) is a worker lease land with what comes out of the ground .
3 . Shaykh Ibrahim al - Bajuri found mukhabarah ( مخبررة ) is the real owner of the land handed over only to the workers and the capital of the manager . And muzara'ah ( مزرعة ) is working to manage the land with most of what comes out of it and the capital of the land owner .
The foundation of Sharia
Hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from Ibn `Abbas :
" Indeed, the Prophet declared , not proscribe bermuzara'ah , he even told him , that the most loving others , with he , he who owns the land , then let plants a boondoggle or given to his brother , if he refuses , then it may be detained the soil " .
Reported by Abu Dawud and al - Nasa'i from Rafi ' ra of the Prophet , he said:
" That may be fished only three kinds of people : men no land , then he is entitled to plant and men entrusted with the benefits of the land , then he is planted and the man who rented the land with gold or silver " .
According to al - Syafi'iyah , unlawful conduct muzara'ah ( مزرعة ) . He reasoned with the hadith narrated by Muslim from Ibn al - Dhahak Tsabut :
" That the Prophet Muhammad has forbidden bermuzara'ah and ordered rent - rent only and the Prophet SAW said , it does not matter " .
According to the author of the book al - Minhaj , that mukhabarah ( مخبررة ) , which is working on the ground ( work fields or fields) to take some of the results , while the seeds of workers and should not be too bermuzara'ah is the seed of the land management land treatment . This opinion is justified to some Saheeh hadith , among other hadith Ibn Thabit Dhahak , because considering the bad consequences often occur when fruiting . ( Suhendi : 2002) .
Pillars and Conditions
Pillars : Ijab and qabul
Terms :
1 . Terms related to the ' aqidain , which must be rational .
2 . Terms relating to plants , which required the presence of any kind of determination that will be planted .
3 . Matters related to the acquisition of the results of the plant , namely :
a. Each part must mention the amount ( percentage ) when the contract
b Results are common property
c . Section between Amil and Malik are of the same type of item , such as cotton , rice parts when Malik then Amil cassava parts , then it is not valid .
d . Part two sides already be known
e.Tidak required for the addition of one ma'lum .
4 . Thing relating to the land to be planted , namely :
a.tanah can be planted .
The b.tanah can know its limits .
5 . Thing relating to time , the terms are :
a.waktunya been determined
b.waktu it is possible to grow crops , such as rice planting time is less than 4 months ( depending on the technology employed, including local customs ) .
c.waktu allows two parties to live according to the customs .
6 . Thing relating to muzara'ah tools , the tools required in the form of animals or other things charged to the landowner .
Wisdom muzara'ah ( مزرعة ) and Mukhabarah ( مخبررة )
Muzara'ah and Mukhabarah ( مخبررة ) disyari'atkan to avoid the lack of ownership of livestock can be used because there is no land to cultivate, and avoid soil also produced left because no process .
Muzara'ah ( مزرعة ) and mukhabarah ( مخبررة ) are sharing the results . For other matters of a technical nature that is adapted to shirkah concept of working together in an effort to unite the potential of each party with a purpose can be mutually beneficial .
MUSAQAH ( مسقة )
According to Language
Musaqah ( مسقة ) is derived from the word al - Saqa ( السق )
Someone working on tamar trees , grapes ( take care ) or other trees in order to bring benefit and get a certain portion of the proceeds are taken care of in return .
According to the terms
According to Shaykh Shihab al - Din al - Shaykh Qalyubi and Umairah , al - musaqah ( المسقة ) is Hiring people to take care of the tree and keep it watered and God dirizkikan results from the tree for both .
The foundation of Sharia
Imam Muslim narrated from Ibn ' Amr RA that the Prophet SAW said , which means :
" Giving the land of Khaibar to the half part of the income either fruits or agricultural ( crop ) . In another narration it is stated that the Apostles handed over the land of Khaibar to the Jews , to be processed and the capital of his property , income separohnya to the Prophet " .
Pillars and Conditions
Pillars : Ijab and qabul
Terms :
1 . Shigat , who performed occasionally with clear ( sharih ) and with a pseudonym ( kinayah ) , required shighat with wording and not enough to act alone .
2 . Two persons or parties berakad ( al - ' aqidani ) , required for people who berakad with experts ( able ) to manage the contract , such as baligh , intelligent and not under remission .
3 . Gardens and all the fruit trees , all trees that bear fruit may diparohkan (profit sharing ) , both of which bear annual ( once per year ) and the fruit only once and then die like rice , maize and others .
4 . Period work , let the specified length of time to be done , such as one year or at least according to the custom of the time that is taken care of plants or trees have fruit , also to be determined is work to be done by the gardener , such as watering , memetongi tree branches that will inhibit fertility fruit or marry .
5 . Fruits , let each specified section ( which has a garden and working in the garden ) , such as half , a third , or a quarter of the size of the other .
Bibliography :
Al - Quran and Terjemahnya .
Agustianto . Tenets Fiqh Course slides . PSTTI - UI : 2008
So it was an article about Understanding , Investments, Deposits on Mudhorobah Akad . Hopefully this article useful and handy for all my friends .
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Beri Komentar untuk : "Pengertian, Skema, Contoh, dan Dasar Hukum Akad Mudharabah" - D3 Perbankan Syariah STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro
Beri Komentar untuk : "Pengertian, Skema, Contoh, dan Dasar Hukum Akad Mudharabah" - D3 Perbankan Syariah STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro
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